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  • March 25, 2014 Daryl Aitken

    Merchant & Mills

    The beautiful Merchant & Mills Dress Shirt pattern in tissue format is one of my favourite things.  I learned about Merchant & Mills from a creative friend in the UK.  They are an independant company situated in Staunton-on-Wye, and although they've only been in business since 2010, their clothing patterns have spread quickly in North America through Pinterest and word of mouth.


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  • March 21, 2014 Daryl Aitken

    Lotta Jansdotter - Mormor is here

    Mormor is here.  Check it out.  It has finally arrived.  A great selection of her classic loose graphic prints in beautiful shades. I would like to completely change my sofa arrangement now and maybe get cracking on some summer clothes.  

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  • March 20, 2014 Daryl Aitken

    Win a Very Shannon FQ bundle

    I'm really excited to announce my first blogger curated bundle from Very Shannon.  Shannon is a super talented maker from Vancouver Island. She designs and develops her own knitting and sewing patterns and has recently co-written a book of beautiful knitting projects.  I asked her to curate a bundle of 6 fat quarters from Fabric Spark and she chose a striking mix of black and whites from Lotta Jansdotter, Carolyn Friedlander and Michael Miller. You can win this beautiful bundle if you go to the Very Shannon blog and enter by telling her what you'd do with the fabric if you won (contest information and rules are available there too).  

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  • March 18, 2014 Daryl Aitken

    Pepe in Paris

    This cheeky little guy is from a collection called Pepe in Paris.  Doesn't it make you want to sit in an atelier under the eaves with a north facing window, paint brush in one hand, bowl of cafe au lait in the other?  I don't even drink coffee.

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  • March 17, 2014 Daryl Aitken

    Safari Moon is Here

    These guys make me so happy.  I love how bright the colours are and the mirrored image of these handsome zebras.  There are other beautiful fabrics in this collection.  They are all strong on their own but it's a vibrant group to mix and play with together.  

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  • March 13, 2014 Daryl Aitken

    New Toy

    I'm like a kid. My self inking stamp just arrived and it totally made my day.  This is one of those little tools that gives me great pleasure.  I can turn a plain white card into stationary, I can turn a brown paper bag into packaging.  I think I need to get out more.  

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  • March 7, 2014 Daryl Aitken

    Downton Abbey is Here

    Those discordant sisters look like they're getting along pretty well in fabric form.  Introducing Downton Abbey fabric from Andover.  I am told that this fabric will be appearing in costumes on the show in the 2015 season - whether that's true or not, I love how they work together.  From the top is Mary's ribbons, Mary's plume, Sybil's Tulle and Edith's Swirl.  As I said in the product description, I doubled up on Mary because I like her best.  She's aloof, wears great clothes, has a few great looking men pursuing her, and she has pots of money.  
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  • March 2, 2014 Daryl Aitken

    Work In Progress - Baby Quilt

    Working on a wee crib quilt in these pretty shades of yellow and pink.  I know, it's a little on the sweet side but I couldn't resist.  I was going to do something very modern next but I found a really good tutorial here for this hourglass pattern.  It has been very quick to cut, sew and assemble, at least so far.  I am using a combination of old scraps and some new fabric.  Now I just have to wait for the batting to get here to finish it. 

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  • February 23, 2014 Daryl Aitken

    Gift Sewing

    Hand made presents are the best.  And while I am not the greatest seamstress, I love making things for my friends and family.  I think most people love getting something that was hand crafted.  I made this rather bright hat for my friend Anne's birthday.  She was about to leave for a sunshine holiday (what a good idea!) and I thought it would be good to toss in a suitcase.  

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